puppy | Cavalier King Charles - Part 2

Visiting the vet with your Cavalier King Charles

One of the most important responsibilities of owning a Cavalier is to find a really good, reputed vet for the dog.  This breed is prone to quite a few illnesses unfortunately, and having a reliable … [Read more...]

Caring for your Cavalier King Charles’ nails, eyes and ears

When you decide to bring home a Cavalier King Charles spaniel, you become responsible for all of its needs.  Apart from feeding the dog, you need to ensure that it enjoys good health and is clean at … [Read more...]

Grooming your Cavalier King Charles

Cavalier King Charles spaniels are happy, intelligent little dogs with absolutely gorgeous coats.  These friendly, gentle and extremely lovable dogs need a regular grooming regime to keep their coats … [Read more...]

Puppy proofing your home for a Cavalier King Charles

When you are planning to bring home a Cavalier King Charles puppy and long before you actually do, there are few things you need to do first.  Of course you can shout or turn cartwheels from all the … [Read more...]

What to do when your Cavalier King Charles puppy comes home

Cavalier puppiesOne of life’s most rewarding experiences is to bring home a new puppy and make it part of your family.  While the experience is highly rewarding, it can also be extremely demanding. … [Read more...]

A Cavalier King Charles dog and Children

The Cavalier King Charles spaniel is a small, soft, cuddly and terribly cute little toy dog. With a royal history dating back to the time of King Charles I and II, the sheer elegance and beauty of the … [Read more...]

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